You can be mediocre and still make it,
I have to be great and they can still take it
Race is still something we have to overcome,
We’ve be getting lapped for 400 years, not surprised by the outcome.
Equality without equity does not equate
A seat at the table is something we have to take
Slavery, Emancipation, Jim Crow, Segregation
Been here since the beginning; built this country without compensation
Black by nature, proud by choice
The world is watching, it’s time we find our voice
You claim your flags and monuments are about legacy and bravery
Yet your declarations of secession sought to preserve slavery
America you looked the other way for far too long
Like a logical statement it can’t be right if any part is wrong
We can’t continue with this strange duality
Where people every day are suffering from brutality
We are not treated equally; since before the country’s birthdate.
I’ll say it again America; although we can be, right now, we are not great.